Monday, February 16, 2009

Manitoba’s International Education Strategy

my Steinbach has an interesting article on the international education strategy of the Province of Manitoba, Canada. According to the article, the provincial government estimates that international students contributed approximate $75 million to Manitoba’s economy in 2006-2007 and that Manitoba saw the highest percentage gain (102%) of international students among all provinces between 2000 and 2006. Manitoba’s five year international education strategy focuses on the following five areas:

International Student Programs – providing educational promotion, opportunities and support services for international students.

International Education Projects and Contracts – participating in international development projects or securing educational contracts.

Offshore Education and International Collaborations – offshore education may offer components of programs or establish branch campuses overseas. This may be done either directly or by authorizing partners to deliver programs abroad. And collaboration initiatives involve working with Manitoba institutions to recognize, negotiate, expand and assist international collaboration.

International Mobility of Students, Teachers, Faculty and other Educational Staff – providing opportunities for direct international experience.

Internationalization of Teaching and Learning – covering international aspects within academic subjects, professional, technical and vocational training, and introducing an international dimension across the curriculum and within the classroom.

You can access the International Education Strategy of the Province of Manitoba 2009-2013

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