Thursday, December 30, 2010

Who in the International Education Arena do you Follow on Twitter?

I, along with a few others, was forwarded a question on Twitter today (actually a RT) asking "Which intl ed Twitter accounts do you think are the best?".  This is a great question and one I hope will produce a long list.  I have had a draft list slowly growing for a future IHEC Blog post on the top international education Twitter accounts I follow.  This, however, is a time consuming process as I currently follow 1,335 and I haven't been able to sort through my entire list in a timely manner.  I've slowly started to select my favorites when I'm on Twitter as I grab the RSS feed for the accounts that provide value to my work and research.  Over the last few months I've been grabbing the RSS feeds of my favorites as that is the best way for me to see every post

Why follow 1,335 people when I only find value in a select few?  When I access Twitter on my PC or iPhone I can see what students are saying about study abroad (they are saying quite a bit actually...) and I can see how international education programs, offices and/or organizations are using Twitter as a communication tool (this is more for my research on new media and international education).  The RSS feeds are for my favorites.

Are you on Twitter?  If so, forward your best international education Twitter accounts to @ManitouHeights.

I'll probably still make my Top Twitter List but it will be a Top 18 list or something like that...

I'm using Twitter differently as of late.  I'm still a big fan but Twitter is becoming a bit overwhelming and I'm really glad that Twitter has made individual account RSS feeds available.

1 comment:

  1. Many thanks to Manitou Heights for listing me in their "10 International Education Tweeps to Follow on Twitter" at
